Lots has happened since the past blog post and here is what has happened: (in no order)
- Accreditation meeting for the SSE- that happened yesterday and it was really cool as all of the lecturers that I spoke to was suited up and the BCS (the guys who accredit the course that I do) were really nice to talk :)
- Open days- I've done 2 open days, and I realized that I like representing the University to future applicants.
- Receiving a new baby- this part was bittersweet; i lost my iTouch, and Boo in an act of love and sacrifice, gave me her old iPhone (reward at marriage x)). This time, i made sure that i set up security on it, as well as customizing and adding new apps.
- the Cybernetic Challenge- it has been going good :) We had challenges, but overall it is going well. :) Photos coming soon :) Our video presentation last week was very well and we got 80% overall, so I am happy :)
- Exam timetable- Now that i found out what that is, i can plan the revision period accordingly. :) I cant wait for Easter break. Time to recharge! :)
- Japanese Society Committee- has now been selected for next year! Although for me it has been good, I want a break from all of this :) Been doing stuff like this for a while now :)
- C# Speech Recognition- Thanks to AJ ( an awesome PHD student) I want to start learning speech recognition. This may not be for my final year project, but it will good for me to do for learning C#! (Posts on that is suspended atm, since it is basic stuff at the moment)
And that is all for now I think :) Just enjoying University :)