Hello ^^

Welcome to my blog.

Pretty much what you will find here are things that I take an interest in such as Religion, Tech, Japanese and other stuff :D

Enjoy your stay. :)

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Starting over.. in some ways that is.

So today, I finally started my system - I have brought a bike! (Sort of..)

I found a bike that I like and I have put down a deposit for it- all the equipment has been ordered, and once that is here, I am going to get it!

reminds me of when the Bible speaks about God the Holy Spirit being a down-payment for us to show that we have eternal life

Also, I have started planning meals for the week (I never liked doing that because of all the thinking it required and the innate laziness).

Finally for today, I have started learning about Facebook ads for my online business and to see how I can use it to promote USI-Tech and grow my business :)

Little steps!

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Some Ideas..

Besides looking at certain side hobbies, I thought I would take a look into Affiliate Marketing and see how I could learn from those who are successful and see if I can have some level of success.

I went on a webinar, listened to what was being said, and I want to throw my hat in the ring (weird phrase sorry lol) and document how it goes.

Watch this space for more details.

Monday, October 23, 2017

A year with KEMP and more exciting news!

What a year it has been so far!
My little bundle of joy has been with us for over a month now and she is the cutest thing ever! :D
I cried like a baby multiple times the first few days she was here (over that now haha).

Being a dad is new to me, (as it would be) and I am learning something everyday, whether it is being a better person or just being more supportive, because I have seen and experienced personally what it is like to not be as supportive from being a dad.

We also are pretty much done with Slough! After 3 years, time to say goodbye! Last sabbath was last week and it was nice!

I also did a lot of moving yesterday and our stuff is finally in Stevenage! And so we will be too come Friday!

I also have been with KEMP for over a year now and on Friday, I had my annual review and I will be getting a pay rise! I am very happy about that :) My role has expanded for next year, and I am looking forward to that as well!

My USI stuff has been going really good as well :) Meeting deadlines quicker than I thought and that is awesome! Telling other people about this and seeing how their lives can change in the mid to long term future is awesome and I am happy about that.

I can't wait to get to Stevenage, get sorted, and then look to start heading to the gym again, cycling, and doing martial arts again. I have it planned out somewhat, and I cannot wait to get back to being fit (I feel so out of shape and fat!)

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Kimori is soon to come! And other Updates!

So as I write this, Kimori (the name of my 1st born) is 34 weeks now :)

Her name is Japanese and means "rejoicing and prosper" - In Japanese, it is 喜盛!

Aside from her, other things have been happening as well, such as we started moving things from Slough over to Stevenage (the first of many trips!)

Work is going great - now having been for around 9 months, I know what I am doing and I am so happy doing it as well - it is challenging at times, and really interesting.

For my hobbies, I have a website built around that now on Wordpress.

I can't wait to see what the rest of the year holds as well as today - God is very good indeed!

The house saving is also going amazingly well! By next year we should have enough and then some for our first house! Very exciting times!

I am so grateful to God for all the help and blessings He has given me this year !

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Another Long time Since I Wrote

So I am writing this while listening to a Youtube Track on Thunderstorm sounds (just comforting for me personally) - I also realized there is so much that has gone since March! So i might as well bring them up as I remember them!

  1. Been working at Kemp for over 8 months now - I spent a week with our Support Team in Limerick (our EMEA HQ) and it was very very insightful and good for me! I learned a lot and I grew a lot in confidence from being there! I can't wait to go back - It was the longest time I was also away from Boo as well - so I did feel the loneliness after day 4 or so. Being here is amazing still! 
  2. I actually started passive investing - through a program called USI - Tech; I started around the time I was in Limerick and it is going very well ! They are a coming that trade in Bitcoin and do a lot of stuff with it - see here for more info - www.usiview.com/?ref=teambloodsaw - i will put up stats on that over time, and I am trying to get people on board to show they can earn passively through this system - So far so good for me, that is for sure! More to come with them in future posts - I also have other methods for creating passive income as well - this is just the first and got me interested again!
  3. We went to Japan in May for the 2nd time - this time in Tokyo and the surrounding areas! Finally met people that I have spoken to online in person and it was very fun indeed! We had a lot of good times and it was a blast - Boo says next time she wants to go Okinawa! Check Facebook if you haven't already. 
  4. Our baby shower was this Sunday just gone and I am going to be having a girl! Her name will be Kimori (meaning rejoice and prosper) and spelt 喜盛 (a proper Japanese name! I am so siked about that haha) - I can't wait to meet her in September ! 
  5. We also have to start moving and getting stuff ready for our big move to Stevenage! So a lot to do on that front for me! 
  6. Been looking at how I can develop more in my role as a Pre-Sales Engineer and how to get better and better - always finding new things to read and digest. 
  7. Japanese - After i came back, I took a bit of a break (probably because of all the exposure and stuff, or just laziness; either way, I am getting back to learning and I want to diversify my skillset with Japanese, so I am finding various ways of using it - like offering translations skills and the like - still Looking for more students to teach! 
  8. Gym and Fitness - has been on hold for a long while - I got lazy and into a bad rut - I need to get out of it and do something and get more active at least - I still have time before I move. Once i get to stevenage, i want to sign up for the gym there, do cycling again and pick up martial arts for cardio and for a change in activity. 
  9. Spiritual Walk - has been up and down - I am still struggling with old sins and trying to give them up and keep them up has been tough - but I am still working on it with God's grace. 
  10. Modelling - need to call back the agency and continue with that - otherwise i need to get my money back haha. So I need to do that by this month really to get it started! 

And I think that is for now! :) Definitely have done a lot since I last wrote! 

Monday, March 20, 2017

It's been a while since I wrote.

And a bit has happened since then. I have been to Ireland 3 times (twice ROI and once NI), I have been to the Excel Center 4 times as of last week for a trade show, I now have straight teeth (no more aligners!) and I have some time off as well. I also have preached once this year in Maidenhead just gone last Saturday, which was a change and I enjoyed it.

As for my goals, I have some work to do to get back on them.

Work is picking up now and I am feeling more confident in being a part of the team - which is good for me. Although I want to get more in depth with some of the product features, that is learn around them. So for that purpose, I want to resume my pen testing to understand things like Cross site scripting and really get into the OWASP Top 10, which is a list of common web vulnerabilities. Part of me was toing and froing on this because I was wondering what good it will do, seeing as it isn't real world experience, but at the same time, any experience in pen testing will do for now on the side. It is just something I have set time aside for and work through it.

I am looking forward to my next trip to Japan, although I haven't really thought about it that much lately. Time just seems to fly by and I am happy about that. I went to Sushimania yesterday which was very nice, although I felt I ate a bit too much come the end of the meal.

This week, I am off to see a Partner and will educate them on what is new with KEMP - which I am looking forward to. It was nice having some time off.

Friday, January 13, 2017

What's new with me?!

SO!! After reading a post on making your New Year's resolutions doable, I have put together my excel sheet here!

I also have a word document detailing how I am going to tackle each one of them!

I also have caught the investing bug! I am going to start a new wordpress blog and hopefully a podcast as well as create some money out of that. I have such a passion for investing now and I want to let other people know about it, as well document my own journey. I am going to find ways of creating multiple streams of money consistently and I also want to preach on money and the Bible as well as Work and the Bible! (Got preaching appointment in March).

So over the Xmas period, for a laugh, I signed up for a modeling company just for the fun of it- you should of seen my surprise when they called me back a week later and I got a photoshoot booking!

So I got a shape-up and trim and got my best clothes together and went down to London. It was about 2 hours and it was amazing! The bad part was only the lady at the end who had a bad attitude - that was what put me off; but yesterday, I had a call from the company asking how I found it - I told them my views and said I would have done but for that last part - they said they would get back to me and I am happy about that.

The commitment level is something that I would set - but they did say I would be good for the following:

  1. Acting & TV
  2. Commercial 
  3. Catalogues
  4. Casting 
So I will see how that goes :) A lot of plans at the start of the year - and I am looking forward to it! 

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

New Year - New me?

My birthday has come and gone - it was amazing - spent the morning here with Boo and then the night with her mom's family at her grandma's. All fun and games there.

I got a new watch - this one much more durable and expensive looking and suited to business. I also got new clothes from my parents as well as money. On Boxing Day, I went back to Stevenage and had dinner with the family; it was very good.

New Years Eve we watched movies and on New Year's Day, we played at a Ball hosted by our Church's federation - it was a bit nerve wracking, but it went well, but much to improve on.

Work is back in flow now - it was quiet today, but it will pick up again for sure.

Aside from that, I have thought to myself about what to do, and I decided that I will start investing this year. I am also going to go back to the gym to be ready for Japan in May; looking forward to that as well. Our Sales kickoff is in Feb and that is all taken care of as well.

As for this investing thing, I have a good idea now of what to do; I also have other plans to make passive money, but they are in development. I am just happy I am able to start doing these things now and I am not regretting starting it now - it just happened this way.

I am also going to take back time that I have spent with video games and put them to better use - try to play at most 2 hours a day and that is it. We will see how that goes.

My goal to straight teeth is going well - I am on week 5/14, and I can see the small changes, and that is encouraging to me. Very much so. I have so much to look forward to this year that i can't wait for it to happen, and yet I am patient in a way. Funny that.

Spiritually, things need to restart and revamp - and I am looking forward to that - I want the old bad habits that I have carried with me in the past to stay there and come no further. God will surely help me with this.

And for now, that is all I got on my mind. :)