So I thought 'hey, why not do it now?' It has been a long time since I blogged in depth; recently, it has been short little blogs, but i felt the need to blog a bit more today.
Over the past couple of months, I have been adjusting to married life and living in Slough; in a way, i was sort of used to the idea of Slough for a while now, so i am glad i am here than in Reading now that I can live with Naomi. Married life has its ups and downs as i have discovered, but i have also realized that things can be prevented once the mistake has been made once, and care has been taken to make sure it doesn't happen again. Sure, it doesn't always happen with me, but i know i am trying to make that a reality.
I haven't been as social as i used to be either, even though i am at home all day; i have fewer friends on Facebook, simply because i didn't talk to them that much and i saw it as clutter; the same with everything else that was needed of purging, as i saw it. However, that left a gap somewhat, and now i am on the lookout to make new friends and Japanese friends at that. I have found a site a few weeks ago called Sharedtalk; it is a language exchange site and from there, i have met quite a number of people, old and young, and it has helped me with Japanese very much i have to say!
Speaking of Japanese, i can't wait to go to Japan; no longer a dream and now a reality, i am so happy and psyched! While i am there, i am going to make sure that i am going to blog everyday on what has happened as a memento and just a diary for me really.
I have also gotten a few games recently; i got back into the Sims and got the Medieval version and the expansion for it; i like it, but there are some things i don't like to do, based on moral reasons, which i try to avoid where possible. I have other plans to get more games for the Wii and invite people around so we can have social gatherings here. I am sure Boo wouldn't mind that.
Also, there have been times when I just spiritually adrift and not growing and because of that, temptation seems much more, well, tempting. But now that i realized that i have gone a drift, I have been able to make changes, because there were times where i just felt like i was living for myself and not for others, and not going out that often didn't help that fact either. But I am praying and hoping things will get better.
I also need to start working out again; even though there was ample time to sign up to a gym, i haven't done, and it is simply because of being lazy; but now, i feel that it is time to do it and i am enlisting the help of a friend who goes regularly, and hopefully, that will spur me on and help me to achieve my own goals.
Today, I thought of learning a new programming language, and i know i did that in the past, but this time i want to do it for the purpose of a job that i would like to do in future (games industry); therefore, i think i need to really sit and think of what language i want to do and take steps to make sure i actually follow through and not let it fall by the way side as many other things has before.
I really do appreciate being married; sometimes, i feel like it is the thing i have wanted to do for a very long time, and being in it for me seems the right thing to do. There has definitely been points for me to learn and to grow, and i definitely need to be more mindful of what i do and say, as it affects Naomi as well as just me.
Another thing i did today was start my PID for my Final year project; and when looking at it, i felt like this:

But after praying about it and calming down and talking to others about it, I will be OK. I just need to gather my thoughts and work through it the best i can. I also looked at freshers fair coming up and i decided that i wanted to join the Japanese society one last time as well as join the Kendo club; i have always wanted to do it, and this time i don't see why not. Seeing as these will be the only things i will do for my final year, alongside the RED award again and possibly being on the Undergrad Board of Studies and on the Student Staff Liaison Committee, I don't see why not. I will make sure that this year, will be a good and send off year for me. I have been studying the modules bit by bit, but i do need to amp it up; so this week and next, i will be dedicating time to make sure i have them completed, those that I can actually look at for now. The others will have to wait til i meet them in person ;)
So right now i got some Sarsaparilla in my bottle and looking outside the window, and the view is nice. I am peaceful and i am thanking God for the fact that I am able to enjoy the little comforts that I have.
Time to look into that programming language :)