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Pretty much what you will find here are things that I take an interest in such as Religion, Tech, Japanese and other stuff :D

Enjoy your stay. :)

Monday, April 07, 2014

There are things I need to start doing.

After thinking and reflecting and nearly writing a post on Saturday just gone, there are some things I need to be doing. 

For example: taking better care of my money and how to improve the talent God gave me to watch over. 

For that, there is a website I can sign up to that I learned at church; I'll do that and start putting it into practice as soon as I can. 

Another thing that I need to do is immerse myself in my two loves, but sometimes forgotten: guitar and Japanese. Earlier, I was listening and playing guitar and it got me thinking that I need to be consistent like I used to be. Over time, I just stopped playing and then forgot about it all together (and that's a sad time for anything you used to do). 

So I decided that I need to and I mean need to start again, even if it is re building the foundations. I need to find ways of setting goals and doing what I need to do to be a proficient guitarist as well as Japanese linguist. (I don't even know if the last part was correct grammatically or not. Oh well lol). 

On another note, I've started to hit the gym again and this time, I'm focusing more on just streamlining everything I do and do it slow and controlled and to failure in each set. So today I did my chest, triceps and shoulders. My litmus test is if I can hold myself up with my triceps. And I couldn't when I was at the gym. 

I simply want to not give up, because I promised myself and God that I want to give the best body I can to my wife to be. (That in itself is in 2 months. Just). So, there is a lot I have to do and I have the time to do it. I just need to be focused. 

So, I will try and dedicate time to each thing I want to so: Japanese and guitar. 

For Japanese, it'll mean finding new people to talk to on Skype and reading and practicing more. 

For first, il mean focusing on one genre and sticking with it. I have chosen jazz; why? Because I like how it sounds and I think it is something I can make it my own. 

Finally, the gym. I'm going to make sure that I eat very well and train the hardest I can. I thought I lost my padlock, and it was on my desk the whole time! (Praise The Lord, because I didn't want to buy another one, that's for sure!)

So, that is that for now. There are other things I want to discuss, but I got a devotion to do right now. Ooh, on that note, I am studying the Gospels in the morning, starting from Matthew and I'm going to work my way to John. The point of it is to see the mindset of Jesus in what He said and did and emulate that everyday and way I can. 

That's that for now! 


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