Hello ^^

Welcome to my blog.

Pretty much what you will find here are things that I take an interest in such as Religion, Tech, Japanese and other stuff :D

Enjoy your stay. :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

List of things to do :D

So after soldering for the first time! It was really fun. I got to make motor controller  :D

Basically the premise is is that the wider the pulse the more voltage to the motor therefore the faster it goes =] and the controller was basically the black box on the right near the orange component :)

So something for me :)

Also I want to redesign my Blogger so over the next couple of days I shall start doing that :D

Also I want to learn how to make a website using HTML5 :D

Also moving in 19 days =]

Also congrats to Dayna on her engagement =]

1 comment:

thoughts anyone? =]