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Pretty much what you will find here are things that I take an interest in such as Religion, Tech, Japanese and other stuff :D

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

:) bubbles

Today I had a bubble bath.
I felt like this:

It's been a long time since I had one.
My mom made it for me and it was nice :) while I was in it, I closed my eyes since she was washing my back and i left them close for a bit. And then afterwards while they were closed, I thought what it would be like to Seeger the first time. To picture myself like a blind person. And when I thought how fortunate I was to have my sight, I nearly cried. Many people in this world either are born in darkness or through a unfortunate occurrence lose it. In glad I haven't. To never to be able to see the sunset, or my mom, or Naomi but to hear their voice would be surreal to me. So I thanked God from the depth of me that I had my sight and I appreciated from then even more my vision.

Thought Id share that today. That's why bubble baths are now important to me.

I'm going to have them more often :)

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